Hans van Houwelingen (1957) lives and works in Amsterdam and Berlin. He attended Minerva Art Academy in Groningen and at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. His work is manifested in the form of exhibitions, interventions, projects in public space, films, lectures and publications, in which he investigates and reflects on the relations between art, culture and politics. His films hey paarth, what about the atom bomb? and In Between Blue Waves and Green Corridors were recently presented at Documenta 15. Van Houwelingen publishes regularly in newspapers and magazines. The monograph STIFF Hans van Houwelingen vs. Public Art (Artimo, 2004) offers an overview of his projects and texts and an extensive reflection on his work. The publication Update describes the permanent update of the Lorentzmonument in Arnhem (NL) during the exhibition Sonsbeek 2008. Undone (Jap Sam Books, 2011), compiled and edited by curator Mihnea Mircan, presents nine critical reflections on three recent works.
1978-1984, ABK Minerva, Groningen
1985-1988, Rijksakademie Beeldende Kunst, Amsterdam
Lectureship 2000-2018
Artez Arnhem, Dutch Art Institute Enschede, Gerrit Rietveldacademie Amsterdam
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunst Den Haag, Rijksakademie Amsterdam,
Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam, PhD-Arts Den Haag.
2015 membership Akademie van Kunsten, University of Amsterdam
2013 Koningin Wilhelminaring - oeuvre award
1988 Prix de Rome - basisprijs